How Much Savings?
Illustration : Retail Shops / Fast Food Outlets / Cafes / Restaurants / Minimarts
Consumption : 10,000 kWh / month
Cost Savings
Electrical tariff
Electrical bill
Monthly savings @8%
Per annum savings
= $ 0.30 / kWh
= $ 3,000 / month
= $ 240 / month
= $ 2,880 / year
Investment Returns
Savings in 3 years
Savings in 5 years
= 15 - 18 months
= $ 8,640
= $ 14,400
Sustainability Effort
Yearly reduction @8%
Less carbon emissions
Number of trees saved
= 9,600 kWh
= 4.001 tonnes CO2
= 180
Carbon emissions based on Singapore's generation per kWh of electricity

Illustration : Supermarkets / Central Kitchens / Small Production / Offices
Consumption : 50,000 kWh / month
Cost Savings
Electrical tariff
Electrical bill
Monthly savings @8%
Per annum savings
= $ 0.30 / kWh
= $ 15,000 / month
= $ 1,200 / month
= $ 14,400 / year
Investment Returns
Savings in 3 years
Savings in 5 years
= 15 - 18 months
= $ 43,200
= $ 72,000
Sustainability Effort
Yearly reduction @8%
Less carbon emissions
Number of trees saved
= 48,000 kWh
= 20.06 tonnes CO2
= 900
Carbon emissions based on Singapore's generation per kWh of electricity

Illustration : Cold Chain Logistics / Simulation Centers / Production / Food Courts
Consumption : 120,000 kWh / month
Cost Savings
Electrical tariff
Electrical bill
Monthly savings @8%
Per annum savings
= $ 0.30 / kWh
= $ 36,000 / month
= $ 2,880 / month
= $ 34,560 / year
Investment Returns
Savings in 3 years
Savings in 5 years
= 15 - 18 months
= $ 103,680
= $ 172,800
Sustainability Effort
Yearly reduction @8%
Less carbon emissions
Number of trees saved
= 115,200 kWh
= 48.015 tonnes CO2
= 2,161
Carbon emissions based on Singapore's generation per kWh of electricity

Illustration : Industrial Plants / Indoor Farms
Consumption : 250,000 kWh / month
Cost Savings
Electrical tariff
Electrical bill
Monthly savings @8%
Per annum savings
= $ 0.30 / kWh
= $ 75,000 / month
= $ 6,000 / month
= $ 72,000 / year
Investment Returns
Savings in 3 years
Savings in 5 years
= 15 - 18 months
= $ 216,000
= $ 360,000
Sustainability Effort
Yearly reduction @8%
Less carbon emissions
Number of trees saved
= 240,000 kWh
= 100.032 tonnes CO2
= 4,501
Carbon emissions based on Singapore's generation per kWh of electricity

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